Odoo Hosting Compared: SaaS, On-Premise & SH

Posted By : Rahul Sharma | September 12, 2024

In today’s fast-paced business environment, selecting the right Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is crucial for driving efficiency and growth. Odoo, a powerful and flexible ERP system, offers three primary hosting options: SaaS (Software as a Service), On-Premise, and Odoo SH (Odoo.sh). Each option has its advantages and challenges, making it important for businesses to understand these differences. In this blog, we will explore each hosting solution to help you determine the best fit for your organization.

Understanding Odoo SaaS

Odoo SaaS is a cloud-based solution hosted and managed by Odoo. This option is great for businesses that want an easy-to-use solution without worrying about the technical side of things.

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Advantages of Odoo SaaS

  • Ease of Use: Odoo SaaS is ready to use right after you subscribe, meaning there’s no need to install or configure anything. It’s perfect for businesses that don’t have in-house IT expertise.
  • Automatic Updates: With Odoo SaaS, updates are automatic. This keeps your system up-to-date with the latest features and security patches without you needing to lift a finger.
  • Cost-Effective: Since there is no need to invest in hardware or IT infrastructure, Odoo SaaS is a more affordable option, especially for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).
  • Scalability: As your business grows, Odoo SaaS can easily scale to fit your needs. You can add more users or modules without worrying about server capacity.

Challenges of Odoo SaaS

  • Limited Customization: Odoo SaaS is a great solution, but it doesn’t allow for as much customization as other options. If your business needs lots of custom features, this could be a limitation.
  • Data Control: Since your data is stored on Odoo’s servers, you have less control over how and where your data is stored. This could be an issue for businesses with strict data security requirements.
  • Performance Concerns: Performance might vary depending on the number of users and the location of the servers, which could lead to slower response times.

Exploring Odoo On-Premise

Odoo On-Premise involves installing Odoo on your servers, giving you complete control over the software environment. This option is best for businesses that need a lot of customization and have the resources to manage their IT infrastructure.

Odoo Hosting Compared: SaaS, On-Premise & SH

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Advantages of Odoo On-Premise

  • Total Control: With Odoo On-Premise, you have full control over your software and hardware environment. This allows for extensive customization to meet your specific business needs.
  • Data Sovereignty: If data security and compliance are important for your business, On-Premise hosting allows you to control how your data is stored, ensuring it meets your security protocols.
  • Performance Optimization: Because the software is hosted on your servers, you can optimize performance, which is especially useful for large organizations with high transaction volumes or complex workflows.

Challenges of Odoo On-Premise

  • High Initial Costs: Setting up an On-Premise solution requires a significant investment in hardware, software licenses, and IT personnel. This may not be ideal for smaller businesses with limited budgets.
  • Maintenance Responsibility: Your IT team will need to manage all maintenance tasks, including updates, backups, and security measures, which can be time-consuming.
  • Scalability Issues: Scaling an On-Premise solution requires investing in additional hardware and resources, making it more complex and expensive as your business grows.

Unpacking Odoo SH (Odoo.sh)

Odoo SH (Odoo.sh) is a cloud-hosted, managed platform that combines the flexibility of On-Premise with the convenience of cloud management. It offers businesses the ability to customize their software while reducing the need for hands-on management of servers.

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Advantages of Odoo SH

  • Customization and Flexibility: Like On-Premise, Odoo SH allows for extensive customization, including the ability to install custom modules. This makes it ideal for businesses with unique needs.
  • Managed Hosting: Odoo SH provides managed services such as automatic backups and server monitoring, reducing the workload for your IT team and ensuring your system is always running smoothly.
  • Staging Environments: Odoo SH offers staging environments where you can test updates and changes before rolling them out. This ensures that your system remains stable during updates.
  • Scalability: Like SaaS, Odoo SH is scalable. You can easily add more users or modules without worrying about infrastructure limitations.

Challenges of Odoo SH

  • Cost: Odoo SH is generally more expensive than SaaS, particularly if you require multiple instances or extensive customizations.
  • Complexity: While it’s easier than managing an On-Premise solution, Odoo SH still requires some technical expertise to fully utilize its capabilities.

Choosing the Right Odoo Hosting Solution

When deciding between Odoo SaaS, On-Premise, and Odoo SH, it’s important to consider your business’s specific needs, resources, and future growth plans. Here’s a quick summary to help guide your decision:

  • Odoo SaaS is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses that need a simple, cost-effective solution with minimal customization requirements. It is easy to use and manage, making it perfect for businesses without extensive IT resources.
  • Odoo On-Premise is best suited for large enterprises with extensive customization needs and the resources to manage their IT infrastructure. This option gives you maximum control and flexibility but comes with higher costs and responsibilities.
  • Odoo SH is great for businesses that need the flexibility of On-Premise hosting but want the ease of cloud management. It offers a balance between customization, scalability, and managed hosting services.

Also, Read Evaluating Odoo Development vs. Zoho Customization


Choosing the right Odoo hosting solution is an important decision that can have a big impact on your business’s efficiency and growth. By understanding the strengths and challenges of each option—Odoo SaaS, On-Premise, and Odoo SH—you can select the hosting solution that best aligns with your business goals.

Whether you need an easy, scalable solution or a highly customizable environment with full data control, Odoo has a hosting option that fits your needs.

Partner with Oodles ERP for expert Odoo implementation. Our team of Odoo-certified professionals can help tailor a solution that drives growth and helps your business reach its full potential.

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