Understanding The Quality Before Pushing or Delaying A Release

Posted By : Priyanka Bhatt | 25-Feb-2021



There are many different dimensions of software quality. Before releasing your product, it is important to understand the concept of quality, and you. A checklist is required to meet the high quality/standard. All software requirements are met. However, a product of high quality must achieve more than meets a set of requirements. There are other factors to focus on user experience and expectations. Often, a release may be delayed due to quality issues. Let us understand what requirements and expectations must be met before rolling out new software.

Why Project Releases Get Delayed?

During project development, release delays are often a reality. Delays can be frustrating for everyone involved in software development, although the extra time required is often required to meet all requirements and quality checks. There are several reasons why project releases are delayed.

There are some factors around this:

1. Gold plating

Often developers put too much effort into software design or description. This can give rise to software that becomes highly detailed. This can waste a lot of time by adding and working on unnecessary details.

2. Continuous Expansions

Known as an extension of functionality, this is when new functionalities and requirements arise as development progresses. This can lead to a never-ending series of software development that continues to expand from the previous point.

3. Insufficient Timelines

Project managers and developers can often be very optimistic when it comes time to release dates. Sometimes they do not realize how much input the project requires for the successful completion of a product or software.

Creating unrealistic schedules can put unnecessary pressure on the development team. This can either work in a hurry in a delayed-release.

4. Quality Control

When a project manager lacks adequate quality control, it can lead to many issues in the software. This will result in the development team having to go back and try to fix these bugs. A high level of quality control along the way will result in a smooth development.

5. Not Understanding Expectations

Developers may be able to create efficient software, but this is not always what is needed. At times, specific customer needs and expectations may be overlooked. It is always necessary to understand the end-user requirements to create software that does not require too much modification. These are some of the reasons which can cause delays in the project. Ultimately, each cause results in a lower standard of quality - something that always requires improvement before release.

Why Do We Need To Ensure Quality Before We Delay the Release?

Before implementing or changing the release dates, it is necessary to understand the quality and its control.

There are some factors around this:

1. Cost

Quality issues can take time to fix, not to mention expensive. You need to understand the quality expectations of a project from Offset to ensure that you meet all requirements before the release date. Fixing low-quality issues can involve many stages and consequences of being an expensive process. It is faster to develop software properly for the first time. This will result in less expense during the process. Therefore, quality control during development and the total cost of your project will be lower.

2. Customer Satisfaction

Quality is not just about meeting project requirements. This also includes ensuring that the product adds value and a level of satisfaction to the end-user. The software can technically tick all the right boxes, but may not meet the functional needs of the user. This will result in lower customer satisfaction and may mean a return to the drawing boar. Launching trial versions of the software for the user to test is a pre-release step. This can avoid long (and expensive) redevelopment of the product.

3. Stakeholders Requirements

Customer satisfaction is not just for the end-user. The needs of stakeholders, or internal customers, must also be met. The software should never go into production if it is not of sufficiently high quality to satisfy stakeholders, as well as the end-user.

4. Value To The Future

Software projects often include updates or new versions. Increasing the level of quality on the initial product can help avoid quality problems for future versions. This will make future development easier, more efficient and more budget-friendly. Being of high quality from the start will result in a more confidently developed team. This would mean fostering team spirit and increasing motivation to work on future projects.

5. Less Waste

Understanding software quality requirements will mean the development team will spend less time on redundant features and focus. Software developing resources mainly include time and finance. You can save both significantly by ensuring that quality is the focus from the start.


Quality is a major factor to consider when developing software. However, many project managers and development teams facing problems understanding the quality requirements and expectations are. It is necessary to understand the quality before proceeding with the release of the software. The release date and deadline are required for all those involved in the development. So before delaying the release, everyone should understand what is expected.

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