Risk Estimation Steps Involved In The Change Control Process

Posted By : Anjali Pandey | 26-Sep-2020



The change control process refers to the process used to document, identify and authorize significant changes in any IT environment.

Plan / Scope

It refers to the 'roadmap' used at the beginning of the process. This allows you to understand the steps to be taken to reach the end goal. During the planning stages, you need to integrate the resources that need to be taken advantage of, as well as expand the scope, objectives and costs of the project.

It is important to take a multi-step approach rather than making large and unplanned sweeping changes. For this you will need to identify and outline specific steps. These include measurable objectives, incentives, measurement and analysis.

Assess / Analyze

Impact and risk assessment is the next stage of this process. It is important to note what can go wrong, as well as what related systems will be affected, and how. You should also consider all the small details at this stage. Next, classify the proposed changes into low, medium and high risk.

With high-risk changes, you have to include additional steps.

For example, you should notify your stakeholder or general management for high-risk changes and seek their approval first.

Review / Approval

Despite the process change, the review and approval process is integral to the success of the project.Once all change requests have been made, the review process will begin. After this the team will have a chance to discuss the options from all sides.Once the change control process is approved, small-scale development can begin.

This encourages better communication and gives the team a chance to bounce their ideas off each other. This allows them to discuss any concerns or ask any questions they may have.


In this phase, technical experts will move quickly with change to implement it successfully. In some cases, there will be a special implementation team created specifically for this task. The team should implement the change following the approved plan guidelines.


The three main aspects of the closing process include:

1. Determining if the project is finished

2. Evaluating the project plan in the context of its completion

3. Provide tangible proof of overall project success


The change control process can be used in a wide variety of industries. By using this systematic approach to manage all changes made to the product and process, you will ensure that all resources are used effectively and there are no unexpected disruptions.

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