Posted By : Abhishek Gupta | 27-Jan-2020



What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool developed by Google and later passed on to CNCF for managing it. It is a tool that manages, deploys, and scales containerized applications on a group of servers.

Kubernetes Goals

  1. Empower application developers
  2. Provide standard deployment interface
  3. Build on modular API code

Kubernetes Features

  1. Clustering
  2. Scheduling
  3. Scalability
  4. Load balancing
  5. Fault tolerance
  6. Deployment(recreate)

Kubernetes Architecture

Kubernetes Master: It manages and coordinates all the nodes inside the clusters and communicates with worker nodes to keep Kubernetes and your application running.

Node: A node is a worker machine that is the smallest unit of computing hardware in Kubernetes. Every node in a cluster must run the container inside. i.e docker or rocket. Each node contains at least one pod inside it.

Pod: A pod made up of one or more containers. Those Containers which are in the same pod will share the same resources and network. In most cases, there will be one container in a pod but when there is more than one container inside a pod then in such a situation other containers are used to help that container.

Cluster: Cluster refers to a group of nodes that share their resources to form a powerful machine. Node, pod, and containers are parts of the cluster.

Container: Container provides a runtime environment to application. In Kubernetes,it is designed to run microservices.

Maintained by Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system, written in GoLang, that automates application deployment, scaling, and management. We are a ERP development company focused on implementing the best tech frameworks in our software development services. Get in touch with our experts to explore our extensive technology stack.