In this particular blog, let's talk about some traditional but relevant javaScript methods that everyone should know about.
javaScript Methods
array.forEach(function(currentValue, index){
* stuff to perform with each record
map: This method returns a new array by calling the provide method once for each element present inside the array in the order in which they stored. It does execute the provide method for empty value of the array.
example :{
* stuff to perform to each element of array
filter: This method returns an array that passes the condition that matches into the method provided, and executes the provide method for empty value of the array.
example :
array.filter(function (element) {
` /**
* filter condition and return data logic
reduce: This method takes each element of array and the last calculated value started from left most index of array and returns a final single value based on the action performed in the method provided.
example :
array.reduce(function(finalVal, currentVal) {
* calculation on final and current value of array
reduceRight: This method is similar to reduce, the key difference is that it starts evaluation from right most index of array.
example :
array.reduceRight(function(finalVal, currentVal) {
* calculation on final and current value of array
join: As the name suggest, this method joins each entries into array as a string based on the separator provided. The default separator is a comma.
example :
splice: This method adds/removes elements to/from an array based on the param provided.
parameter description : array.splice(index, times, element1, ....., elementN)
index: Required int param indicating the position where elements can be added/removed. We can use a negative value to mention index from the last index.
times: Optional param indicating the number of elements to be removed.
element1,...,elementN : Optional param indicating the items to be added into array.
includes: This method takes elment as a param and tests its presence into an array and returns boolean value accordingly. Note that element comparison is case sensitive here.
example :
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