An Introduction To Odoo eLearning Module

Posted By : Harshita Tiwari | 30-Jul-2021

ERP Odoo


eLearning module comes with the website module in Odoo. So once you install the eLearning module using Odoo Apps it will be automatically downloaded to the website. Odoo eLearning module is basically the online learning module that provides users multiple courses for learning, forums can be created and certification can be provided. For this module, users can be students(school, college), working professionals, etc. Odoo eLearning module has the following features:

  1. Courses
    1. Courses
    2. Contents
    3. Reviews
    4. Certifications
  2. Forum
    1. Forums
    2. Posts
  3. Reporting
  4. Configuration
    1. Course groups
    2. Course Tags

Courses: under this module users can create a new course by clicking on Create Button on the eLearning overview page.

Image: eLearning Overview Page

  • Under the Create course page we have the following fields & Tabs: add course name, add Image of the course, tags, content, description, options & karma.
  • Where the tabs like Content are used to add course-related content under this tab. Next, we have a Description here we can add the description of the content, Options tab having Course, Communication, Access rights, Display related information. Under the Karma tab, we can check the Rewards and their access rights details.
  • The Other option we have in the course. To check visit count over the uploaded content under this related course, The count of users to completed this particular course, Attendees count, Reviews over the course, and the option where we can publish the course on the website.
  • And Last we have the save & discard Button to save the course or discard the changes.

Image: Course Details Page

  • To Edit the course we have an edit button along with the particular course card and the other options available like delete, invite, mail attendees, etc.

Image: Edit course

  • Other than these options we have a feature to check course website views. Here we also can check the preview of each content under any particular course. We can add more content, edit, delete, publish, share.

Content: Other than any particular course content we also have the option to add content separately using content submodules. To add new content users need to click on the create button. Under the create content page we have the following fields: Content Title, Document Tab, Description, Additional Resources, Quiz, Statistics.

Image: Create Content

Review: Under the Review Page, users can check reviews or ratings shared by the attendees about the courses.

Image: Rating page

Certification: In this section, we can already create certificates and can also create new certifications using the create button available on the page.

The Create certificate page must have the following fields like Survey Title, Question, Description, Options, etc.

Image: Create Certificate

Forum: Learning using online forums is a good strategy to improve the skills over any topic. In the Forums submodule, we have the option to create a new forum. The new forum page must be having below mentioned fields: Forum name, website, modes, and tabs we are having like: options, Karma Gained, Karma Related Rights.

Image: Create a new Forum page

Reporting: Using this module users can check reports module-wise in list view and in Graph view. Users can check reports for courses, content, revenues, Reviews, Forum Certifications.

Image: Course Reporting

Image:Graph view

We are a 360-degree ERP development company that provides complete enterprise solutions using Odoo ERP modules. Our Odoo development services enable enterprises to streamline their complex business processes with advanced problem-solving capabilities. For project-related queries, drop us a line at [email protected].