A Brief Overview of Scrum and Its Use Cases

Posted By : Priyanka Bhatt | 30-Nov-2020



1) Sprint:

This is the time or time spent to develop a list of requirements. The sprint is similar to the test cycle but will perform development and testing in Sprint while only testing in the test cycle is scented.

2) Sprint Days:

This is the total effort and time spent to fully develop and test the entire product.

Three components of the scrum:

1) Scrum Roles:-

a) Product Owner-> Product Owner is the head in charge that defines the requirements that must be issued first.

b) Scrum Master-> Scream Master will be responsible for adopting the new starter to achieve the goal of whether all the Scream members are performing their tasks properly.

c) Scrum team-> They are a group of members (developer, test eng., Product analyst etc.) who should be cross-functional. Scream teams usually have 7-9 members or 9-15 members.

2) Artifacts:-

a) User Stories-> Stories are a group of functionalities to test.

b) Product Backlog-> This is a repository where requirements are tracked with details of the number of requirements to be met for each release.

c) Release Backlog-> A release is a time frame in which the number of iterations is completed. The product owner coordinates with the Scream team to decide which stories should be targeted.

3) Scrum meetings:-

a) Sprint Planning Meeting-> 3 members are in the sprint planning meeting

1) Product Owner-> Product owner helps the developer in what to develop, means it gives a set of requirements to develop.

2) Project Manager-> Project manager explains how to develop and which technology platform to be used.

3) Scrum Master-> Scrum master decides what team members should be in the team.

b) Daily Scrum Meeting-> Here the Scrum Master will quickly review the work done yesterday and ask for the plan for today.

c) Sprint Review Meeting-> This meeting is held when the product is developed but not delivered. This meeting is held only to ensure that the product is developed according to the requirements.

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