CRM and ERP : How It Refines Sales And Manufacturing Processes

Posted By : Manisha Jangwal | June 18, 2018

At present times, nearly all manufacturing firms are using CRM and ERP systems disparately without the CRM and ERP integration. This is because they don’t recognize the potential it has for maximum productivity and more revenue growth. CRM systems are used by the sales team to access customer related data for their marketing and closing deals. Whereas manufacturing department operates ERP systems to streamline their processes and make profits from improved efficiencies. CRM and ERP together provide users with useful and deeper insights to identify products with maximum profitability.

ERP and CRM software integration is a necessity practically. And, it’s high time to merge your CRM and ERP systems for maximum benefits.

CRM + ERP is a Perfect Union for manufacturing and sales processes. Let’s read further to know how their integration improves sales and manufacturing activities.

Let me make you further understand how CRM and ERP creates a perfect union to polish up sales and manufacturing operations.

CRM and ERP : How It Refines Sales And Manufacturing Processes
CRM and ERP : How It Refines Sales And Manufacturing Processes

Integrating ERP with CRM systems improves sales operations performed by sales staff. Because, the team gets accurate information about manufacturing details such as projected costs, inventory levels, approximate delivery time, customer habits, stock availability, information about stock currently present and previous interactions with the client. Collectively, it streamlines sales processes.  A customer gets to know when the product is expected to be delivered or whether it is in stock or not. A sales team is able to get access to this information when CRM and ERP are integrated. With CRM and ERP integration, sales department get easy access to inventory and manufacturing data. Further, they can use this information to provide better customer service. Real-time availability of data to the team speeds up the entire sales processes.

Moreover, CRM, when integrated with ERP system, enhances the customer data for a sales team. It means all information such as supply chain management, billing and shipping, purchase history, accounting information, and financial profiles is available to the manufacturing, sales team or any other department. Needless to say, when your sales department has access to the vital client information, your company can improve customer services and make better decisions to attract customers for sales.

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