Manual vs Automation Software Testing

Posted By : Vaibhav Sajwan | 21-Jul-2024

QA testing


Automation Testing vs Manual Testing

What is Manual Testing?

Manual Testing is something that is conducted through human interaction with the software system. In manual testing, tests are executed manually by QA Analysts. Manual Testing is performed to discover bugs in software applications and to launch a bug-free software application to the stakeholders.

In manual testing, the tester involved with the application tests the application thoroughly and creates the reports of testing results like defect reports, traceability matrices, etc without the help of any automation software testing tool.

It is a classical method of all testing types and helps find bugs in the software system process. It is generally conducted by the experienced tester to test every component of an application and make the application bug-free as much as possible.

What is Automation Testing?

In Automated Software Testing testers write code or script to test the software application. The tester uses an appropriate automation tool to create a test script and validate the software by finding the defects by interacting with the software and automation script.

Automated testing entirely relies on the pre-scripted test which runs automatically to compare actual results with the expected result. This helps to determine whether the application runs as expected or not.

Automated testing allows you to execute repetitive tasks and regression tests without the intervention of a manual tester.

Manual Testing

Automated Testing

1). Test Cases are executed by human tester.1). Automation Testing uses automation tool to execute test cases.
2). Manual testing is time consuming.2). Automation testing is faster and takes up human resources. than the manual approach.
3). Exploratory is possible in manual testing.3). Automation doesn't allow random testing.
4). Initial investment in manual testing is comparatively lower.4). The initial investment in Automation testing is higher.
5). Manual Testing is not reliable.5). Automation Testing is more Reliable as it is performed by tools and scripts.