How to Connect from Your Local Environment On AWS Redis Elasticache

Posted By : Mohd Altaf | 18-Mar-2024

AWS cloud computing


To connect to a Redis Elasticache instance on AWS using the Redis command-line client (redis-cli) from a Mac terminal, ensure you have the Redis client installed on your machine. Additionally, have the endpoint and credentials for your Elasticache instance ready.

1.Install Redis Client: Use Homebrew to install the Redis client on your Mac terminal:

brew install redis

2.Find Endpoint and Port: Locate the endpoint and port number for your Elasticache instance. You can find this information on the AWS Management Console in the Elasticache dashboard.

3.Connect to Elasticache Instance: Use the redis-cli command to connect to the instance:

redis-cli -h -p port_number

4.Authentication: If your cluster requires authentication, you will be prompted to enter the password.

5.Execute Redis Commands: Once connected, you can run Redis commands as usual.

For example:

set mykey "myvalue"

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6.Useful Commands: To check the value of a key, use:

get mykey

7.Alternative Clients:Besides redis-cli, you can use other Redis clients like “Ioredis” in Node.js or “Jedis” in Java to connect to Redis Elasticache.

8.Security Considerations: Consider using IAM authentication for Elasticache instead of plaintext passwords for enhanced security. If using an authentication token, use the AUTH command followed by the token.

9.Using OpenSSL:Optionally, you can use the OpenSSL command-line tool to establish a secure connection to the Redis Elasticache instance. However, this method is less secure than IAM authentication and is not recommended.

10.SSL/TLS Encryption: Redis Elasticache supports SSL/TLS encryption. If you require encryption in transit, ensure to use SSL/TLS encryption when establishing the connection.

By following these steps, you can efficiently connect to a Redis Elasticache instance on AWS using the Redis command-line client from your Mac terminal.