Black Box Testing

Posted By : Shweta Mall | 25-Apr-2024

QA testing


Black Box Testing

Black box testing is a form of software testing that focuses, on verifying the functionality according to specified requirements, without delving into the workings or implementation details of the software.

Also, Read Automated Tools For Software Testing

Types Of Black Box Testing:

Functional Testing:

Functional testing is defined as the process of ensuring that each feature of a software programme performs in line with the requirements and specifications. This type of testing does not concern the application's source code. The software programs various features are assessed by inputting test data anticipating the outcome and comparing the result with the expected one. This evaluation focuses on inspecting elements like user interface, APIs, database functionality, security measures, client or server applications and overall functionality of the Application Under Test. Functional testing can be carried out manually or, through automation. Helps determine the requirements of the systems software.

Regression Testing:

Regression testing entails inspecting the sections of the code that have been modified and those that may be affected by the changes to ensure that no new mistakes have been introduced into the software as a result of these adjustments. In software terms regression signifies the reappearance of a bug. Its purpose is to confirm that the added code works well with the existing code ensuring that a software update does not disrupt the software's functionality. This process is typically conducted following system maintenance activities and upgrades.

Also Read Sanity Testing vs Regression Testing

Nonfunctional Testing:

Non-functional testing involves evaluating the functional aspects of a software system. It focuses on assessing attributes such, as performance, usability and scalability that are not typically addressed in testing. Non-functional testing, also referred to as NFT is vital for ensuring the systems readiness based on parameters. This type of testing is distinct from testing. Plays a crucial role, in verifying the overall quality of a software application.

Advantages of Black Box Testing

  • Testers don't require knowledge or programming skills to carry out Black Box Testing.
  • It is effective, for conducting tests within a system.
  • Tests are conducted from the perspective of the end user or client.
  • Test cases can be replicated easily.
  • Its purpose is to identify any uncertainties and inconsistencies, in the requirements.

Disadvantages of Black Box Testing

  • There might be instances where you end up running the tests during the testing phase.
  • Implementing test cases, without specifications can pose challenges.
  • The complexity of inputs at testing stages can make executing test cases difficult.
  • Occasionally it's hard to pinpoint the cause of test failures.
  • Certain components within the application may remain untested.
  • Issues, within the control structure might not be identified.
  • Dealing with a range of input variations can be. Time consuming.